Coupon metadata for all coupons used in campaigns advertised to households participating in the Customer Journey study.



A data frame with 116,204 rows and 3 variables

  • coupon_upc: Uniquely identifies each coupon (unique to household and campaign)

  • product_id: Uniquely identifies each product

  • campaign_id: Uniquely identifies each campaign


84.51°, Customer Journey study,



a tibble


# full data set coupons
#> # A tibble: 116,204 x 3 #> coupon_upc product_id campaign_id #> <chr> <chr> <chr> #> 1 10000085207 9676830 26 #> 2 10000085207 9676943 26 #> 3 10000085207 9676944 26 #> 4 10000085207 9676947 26 #> 5 10000085207 9677008 26 #> 6 10000085207 9677052 26 #> 7 10000085207 9677385 26 #> 8 10000085207 9677479 26 #> 9 10000085207 9677791 26 #> 10 10000085207 9677878 26 #> # … with 116,194 more rows
# Join product metadata to coupon dataset require("dplyr") coupons %>% left_join(products, "product_id")
#> # A tibble: 116,204 x 9 #> coupon_upc product_id campaign_id manufacturer_id department brand #> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <fct> #> 1 100000852… 9676830 26 1722 GROCERY Nati… #> 2 100000852… 9676943 26 317 GROCERY Nati… #> 3 100000852… 9676944 26 317 GROCERY Nati… #> 4 100000852… 9676947 26 1722 GROCERY Nati… #> 5 100000852… 9677008 26 1722 GROCERY Nati… #> 6 100000852… 9677052 26 317 GROCERY Nati… #> 7 100000852… 9677385 26 317 GROCERY Nati… #> 8 100000852… 9677479 26 317 GROCERY Nati… #> 9 100000852… 9677791 26 317 GROCERY Nati… #> 10 100000852… 9677878 26 317 GROCERY Nati… #> # … with 116,194 more rows, and 3 more variables: product_category <chr>, #> # product_type <chr>, package_size <chr>