11 Lesson 3b: Data transformation

When wrangling data you often need to create some new variables and filter for certain observations of interest, or maybe you just want to rename the variables or reorder the observations in order to make the data a little easier to work with. You’ll learn how to do all that (and more!) in this lesson, which will teach you how to transform your data using the dplyr package

11.1 Learning objectives

Upon completing this module you will be able to:

  • Filter a data frame for observations of interest.
  • Select and/or rename specific variables.
  • Compute summary statistics.
  • Sort observations.
  • Create new variables.

Note: The data used in the recorded lectures are different then those used in this chapter. If you want to follow along with the recordings be sure to download the supplementary data files, which can be found in canvas.

11.2 Prerequisites

Load the dplyr package to provide you access to the functions we’ll cover in this lesson.


Alternatively, you could load the tidyverse package, which automatically loads the dplyr package.

To illustrate various transformation tasks we will use the following customer transaction data from the completejourney package:


(df <- transactions_sample)
## # A tibble: 75,000 × 11
##    household_id store_id basket_id   product_id quantity sales_value
##    <chr>        <chr>    <chr>       <chr>         <dbl>       <dbl>
##  1 2261         309      31625220889 940996            1        3.86
##  2 2131         368      32053127496 873902            1        1.59
##  3 511          316      32445856036 847901            1        1   
##  4 400          388      31932241118 13094913          2       11.9 
##  5 918          340      32074655895 1085604           1        1.29
##  6 718          324      32614612029 883203            1        2.5 
##  7 868          323      32074722463 9884484           1        3.49
##  8 1688         450      34850403304 1028715           1        2   
##  9 467          31782    31280745102 896613            2        6.55
## 10 1947         32004    32744181707 978497            1        3.99
## # ℹ 74,990 more rows
## # ℹ 5 more variables: retail_disc <dbl>, coupon_disc <dbl>,
## #   coupon_match_disc <dbl>, week <int>, transaction_timestamp <dttm>

11.3 Filtering observations

Filtering data is a common task to identify and select observations in which a particular variable matches a specific value or condition. The filter() function provides this capability. The first argument is the name of the data frame. The second and subsequent arguments are the expressions that filter the data frame. For example, if we want to filter for only transactions at the store with ID 309:

filter(df, store_id == "309")
## # A tibble: 426 × 11
##    household_id store_id basket_id   product_id quantity sales_value
##    <chr>        <chr>    <chr>       <chr>         <dbl>       <dbl>
##  1 2261         309      31625220889 940996            1        3.86
##  2 519          309      32931585175 1029743           1        2.69
##  3 1073         309      40532931248 1058997           1        1.89
##  4 517          309      32989806742 5590158           1        1   
##  5 1023         309      35713891195 15596520          1        4.59
##  6 1770         309      32505226867 12263600          1        1.5 
##  7 1257         309      33983222000 999090            1        3.49
##  8 1509         309      32090471323 1016800           2        6.67
##  9 1167         309      34103947117 1037417           1        3.65
## 10 1836         309      40532932017 879008            1        6.99
## # ℹ 416 more rows
## # ℹ 5 more variables: retail_disc <dbl>, coupon_disc <dbl>,
## #   coupon_match_disc <dbl>, week <int>, transaction_timestamp <dttm>

You can pipe data into the filter function using the following syntax: df %>% filter(store_id == “309”)

When you run that line of code, dplyr executes the filtering operation and returns a new data frame. dplyr functions never modify their inputs, so if you want to save the result, you’ll need to use the assignment operator, <-:

store_309 <- filter(df, store_id == "309")
## # A tibble: 426 × 11
##    household_id store_id basket_id   product_id quantity sales_value
##    <chr>        <chr>    <chr>       <chr>         <dbl>       <dbl>
##  1 2261         309      31625220889 940996            1        3.86
##  2 519          309      32931585175 1029743           1        2.69
##  3 1073         309      40532931248 1058997           1        1.89
##  4 517          309      32989806742 5590158           1        1   
##  5 1023         309      35713891195 15596520          1        4.59
##  6 1770         309      32505226867 12263600          1        1.5 
##  7 1257         309      33983222000 999090            1        3.49
##  8 1509         309      32090471323 1016800           2        6.67
##  9 1167         309      34103947117 1037417           1        3.65
## 10 1836         309      40532932017 879008            1        6.99
## # ℹ 416 more rows
## # ℹ 5 more variables: retail_disc <dbl>, coupon_disc <dbl>,
## #   coupon_match_disc <dbl>, week <int>, transaction_timestamp <dttm>

To use filtering effectively, you have to know how to select the observations that you want using comparison operators. R provides the standard suite of comparison operators to include:

Comparison operators.
Operator Description
< less than
> greater than
== equal to
!= not equal to
<= less than or equal to
>= greater than or equal to
%in% group membership
is.na is NA
!is.na is not NA

We can apply several of these comparison operators in the filter function using logical operators. The primary logical operators you will use are:

Boolean logical operators.
Operator Example Description
& x & y intersection of x and y
| x \| y union of x or y
! x & !y x but exclude y and intersect of y
xor xor(x, y) only values in x and y that are disjointed with one another

The following visual representation helps to differentiate how these operators work with fictional x and y data:

Complete set of boolean operations. x is the left-hand circle, y is the right-hand circle, and the shaded region show which parts each operator selects. <a href=https://r4ds.had.co.nz/transform.html#logical-operators>R4DS</a>

Figure 11.1: Complete set of boolean operations. x is the left-hand circle, y is the right-hand circle, and the shaded region show which parts each operator selects. R4DS

For example, we can filter for transactions for a particular store ID or household ID:

filter(df, store_id == "309" | household_id == "1762")

Or if we wanted to filter for transactions for a particular store ID and household ID:

filter(df, store_id == "309" & household_id == "1762")

A comma between comparison operators acts just like and & operator. So filter(df, store_id == “309”, household_id == “1762”) is the same as filter(df, store_id == “309” & household_id == “1762”)

We can continue to add additional operations. In this example we filter for transactions made:

  1. at a particular store ID,
  2. by a particular household,
  3. who purchased more than 4 of a certain product or the product cost more than $10.
df %>% filter(
  store_id == "309", 
  household_id == "1167",
  quantity > 4 | sales_value > 10
## # A tibble: 3 × 11
##   household_id store_id basket_id   product_id quantity sales_value
##   <chr>        <chr>    <chr>       <chr>         <dbl>       <dbl>
## 1 1167         309      34642351799 8249262           1        15.0
## 2 1167         309      31993100768 941036            1        14.9
## 3 1167         309      40341135791 1051093           6         3  
## # ℹ 5 more variables: retail_disc <dbl>, coupon_disc <dbl>,
## #   coupon_match_disc <dbl>, week <int>, transaction_timestamp <dttm>

A useful shortcut for writing multiple or statements is to use %in%. For example, the following code finds all transactions made at store 309 or 400.

filter(df, store_id == "309" | store_id == "400")
## # A tibble: 1,203 × 11
##    household_id store_id basket_id   product_id quantity sales_value
##    <chr>        <chr>    <chr>       <chr>         <dbl>       <dbl>
##  1 2261         309      31625220889 940996            1        3.86
##  2 1113         400      34204801923 998119            1        3.19
##  3 519          309      32931585175 1029743           1        2.69
##  4 1946         400      41352204380 1120213           3        5   
##  5 709          400      40911786843 923559            1        1   
##  6 725          400      33106940650 1000664           1        0.34
##  7 1662         400      34258865155 1114465           2        2.08
##  8 1662         400      32065200596 1085939           1        2.19
##  9 1957         400      34338650191 933835            1        0.6 
## 10 1925         400      34133653463 13072776          1        1.99
## # ℹ 1,193 more rows
## # ℹ 5 more variables: retail_disc <dbl>, coupon_disc <dbl>,
## #   coupon_match_disc <dbl>, week <int>, transaction_timestamp <dttm>

The %in% operator allows us to select every row where x is one of the values in y. We could use it to rewrite the code above as:

filter(df, store_id %in% c("309", "400"))
## # A tibble: 1,203 × 11
##    household_id store_id basket_id   product_id quantity sales_value
##    <chr>        <chr>    <chr>       <chr>         <dbl>       <dbl>
##  1 2261         309      31625220889 940996            1        3.86
##  2 1113         400      34204801923 998119            1        3.19
##  3 519          309      32931585175 1029743           1        2.69
##  4 1946         400      41352204380 1120213           3        5   
##  5 709          400      40911786843 923559            1        1   
##  6 725          400      33106940650 1000664           1        0.34
##  7 1662         400      34258865155 1114465           2        2.08
##  8 1662         400      32065200596 1085939           1        2.19
##  9 1957         400      34338650191 933835            1        0.6 
## 10 1925         400      34133653463 13072776          1        1.99
## # ℹ 1,193 more rows
## # ℹ 5 more variables: retail_disc <dbl>, coupon_disc <dbl>,
## #   coupon_match_disc <dbl>, week <int>, transaction_timestamp <dttm>

There are additional filtering and subsetting functions that are quite useful:

# remove duplicate rows
df %>% distinct() 

# random sample, 50% sample size without replacement
df %>% sample_frac(size = 0.5, replace = FALSE)

# random sample of 10 rows with replacement
df %>% sample_n(size = 10, replace = TRUE)

# select rows 3-5
df %>% slice(3:5)

# select top n entries - in this case ranks variable net_spend_amt and selects
# the rows with the top 5 values
df %>% top_n(n = 5, wt = sales_value)

11.3.1 Knowledge check

Using the completejourney sample transactions data as we did above…

  1. Filter for transactions with greater than 2 units.
  2. Filter for transactions with greater than 2 units during week 25 that occurred at store 441.
  3. Filter for transactions with greater than 2 units during week 25 that occurred at store 343 or 441.
  4. Filter for transactions with greater than 2 units during week 25 that occurred at store 343 or 441 but excludes household 253.

11.4 Selecting variables

It’s not uncommon for us to use data sets with hundreds of variables. In this case, the first challenge is often narrowing in on the variables you’re actually interested in. select allows you to rapidly zoom in on a useful subset using operations based on the names of the variables.

select is not terribly useful with our transaction data because we only have 8 variables, but you can still get the general idea:

# Select columns by name
select(df, household_id, store_id, sales_value)
## # A tibble: 75,000 × 3
##    household_id store_id sales_value
##    <chr>        <chr>          <dbl>
##  1 2261         309             3.86
##  2 2131         368             1.59
##  3 511          316             1   
##  4 400          388            11.9 
##  5 918          340             1.29
##  6 718          324             2.5 
##  7 868          323             3.49
##  8 1688         450             2   
##  9 467          31782           6.55
## 10 1947         32004           3.99
## # ℹ 74,990 more rows

# Select all columns between household_id and sales_value (inclusive)
select(df, household_id:sales_value)
## # A tibble: 75,000 × 6
##    household_id store_id basket_id   product_id quantity sales_value
##    <chr>        <chr>    <chr>       <chr>         <dbl>       <dbl>
##  1 2261         309      31625220889 940996            1        3.86
##  2 2131         368      32053127496 873902            1        1.59
##  3 511          316      32445856036 847901            1        1   
##  4 400          388      31932241118 13094913          2       11.9 
##  5 918          340      32074655895 1085604           1        1.29
##  6 718          324      32614612029 883203            1        2.5 
##  7 868          323      32074722463 9884484           1        3.49
##  8 1688         450      34850403304 1028715           1        2   
##  9 467          31782    31280745102 896613            2        6.55
## 10 1947         32004    32744181707 978497            1        3.99
## # ℹ 74,990 more rows

# Select all columns except those between household_id and sales_value
select(df, -c(household_id:sales_value))
## # A tibble: 75,000 × 5
##    retail_disc coupon_disc coupon_match_disc  week
##          <dbl>       <dbl>             <dbl> <int>
##  1        0.43           0                 0     5
##  2        0.9            0                 0    10
##  3        0.69           0                 0    13
##  4        2.9            0                 0     8
##  5        0              0                 0    10
##  6        0.49           0                 0    15
##  7        0              0                 0    10
##  8        1.79           0                 0    33
##  9        4.44           0                 0     2
## 10        0              0                 0    16
## # ℹ 74,990 more rows
## # ℹ 1 more variable: transaction_timestamp <dttm>

There are a number of helper functions you can use within select:

  • starts_with("abc"): matches names that begin with “abc”.

  • ends_with("xyz"): matches names that end with “xyz”.

  • contains("ijk"): matches names that contain “ijk”.

  • matches("(.)\\1"): selects variables that match a regular expression. This one matches any variables that contain repeated characters. You’ll learn more about regular expressions in the character strings chapter.

  • num_range("x", 1:3): matches x1, x2 and x3.

See ?select for more details.

For example, we can select all variables that contain “id” in their name:

select(df, contains("id"))
## # A tibble: 75,000 × 4
##    household_id store_id basket_id   product_id
##    <chr>        <chr>    <chr>       <chr>     
##  1 2261         309      31625220889 940996    
##  2 2131         368      32053127496 873902    
##  3 511          316      32445856036 847901    
##  4 400          388      31932241118 13094913  
##  5 918          340      32074655895 1085604   
##  6 718          324      32614612029 883203    
##  7 868          323      32074722463 9884484   
##  8 1688         450      34850403304 1028715   
##  9 467          31782    31280745102 896613    
## 10 1947         32004    32744181707 978497    
## # ℹ 74,990 more rows

select can be used to rename variables, but it’s rarely useful because it drops all of the variables not explicitly mentioned. Instead, use rename, which is a variant of select that keeps all the variables that aren’t explicitly mentioned:

rename(df, store = store_id, product = product_id)
## # A tibble: 75,000 × 11
##    household_id store basket_id   product  quantity sales_value
##    <chr>        <chr> <chr>       <chr>       <dbl>       <dbl>
##  1 2261         309   31625220889 940996          1        3.86
##  2 2131         368   32053127496 873902          1        1.59
##  3 511          316   32445856036 847901          1        1   
##  4 400          388   31932241118 13094913        2       11.9 
##  5 918          340   32074655895 1085604         1        1.29
##  6 718          324   32614612029 883203          1        2.5 
##  7 868          323   32074722463 9884484         1        3.49
##  8 1688         450   34850403304 1028715         1        2   
##  9 467          31782 31280745102 896613          2        6.55
## 10 1947         32004 32744181707 978497          1        3.99
## # ℹ 74,990 more rows
## # ℹ 5 more variables: retail_disc <dbl>, coupon_disc <dbl>,
## #   coupon_match_disc <dbl>, week <int>, transaction_timestamp <dttm>

Another option is to use select in conjunction with the everything helper. This is useful if you have a handful of variables you’d like to move to the start of the data frame.

select(df, household_id, quantity, sales_value, everything())
## # A tibble: 75,000 × 11
##    household_id quantity sales_value store_id basket_id   product_id
##    <chr>           <dbl>       <dbl> <chr>    <chr>       <chr>     
##  1 2261                1        3.86 309      31625220889 940996    
##  2 2131                1        1.59 368      32053127496 873902    
##  3 511                 1        1    316      32445856036 847901    
##  4 400                 2       11.9  388      31932241118 13094913  
##  5 918                 1        1.29 340      32074655895 1085604   
##  6 718                 1        2.5  324      32614612029 883203    
##  7 868                 1        3.49 323      32074722463 9884484   
##  8 1688                1        2    450      34850403304 1028715   
##  9 467                 2        6.55 31782    31280745102 896613    
## 10 1947                1        3.99 32004    32744181707 978497    
## # ℹ 74,990 more rows
## # ℹ 5 more variables: retail_disc <dbl>, coupon_disc <dbl>,
## #   coupon_match_disc <dbl>, week <int>, transaction_timestamp <dttm>

11.4.1 Knowledge check

  1. Check out the completejourney::demographics data set.
  2. Select all columns that start with “household_”.
  3. Select all columns that contain “_” and filter for observations where the household has one or more kids.

11.5 Computing summary statistics

Obviously the goal of all this data wrangling is to be able to perform statistical analysis on our data. The summarize function allows us to perform the majority of the initial summary statistics when performing exploratory data analysis. For example, we can compute the mean sales_value across all observations:

summarise(df, avg_sales_value = mean(sales_value))
## # A tibble: 1 × 1
##   avg_sales_value
##             <dbl>
## 1            3.12

These data have no missing values. However, if there are missing values you will need to use na.rm = TRUE in the function to remove missing values prior to computing the summary statistic:

summarize(df, avg_sales_value = mean(sales_value, na.rm = TRUE))

There are a wide variety of functions you can use within summarize(). For example, the following lists just a few examples:

Example summary functions.
Function Description
min(), max() min, max values in vector
mean() mean value
median() median value
sum() sum of all vector values
var(), sd() variance/std of vector
first(), last() first/last value in vector
nth() nth value in vector
n() number of values in vector
n_distinct() number of distinct values in vector

As long as the function reduces a vector of values down to a single summarized value, you can use it in summarize().

Summarize functions need to condense a vector input down to a single summarized output value.

Figure 11.2: Summarize functions need to condense a vector input down to a single summarized output value.

summarize is not terribly useful unless we pair it with another function called group_by. This changes the unit of analysis from the complete data set to individual groups. Then, when you use the dplyr verbs on a grouped data frame they’ll be automatically applied “by group”. For example, if we applied exactly the same code to a data frame grouped by store_id, we get the average sales value for each store_id level:

by_store <- group_by(df, store_id)
summarize(by_store, avg_sales_value = mean(sales_value))
## # A tibble: 293 × 2
##    store_id avg_sales_value
##    <chr>              <dbl>
##  1 108                14.0 
##  2 1089                1   
##  3 1098                2.28
##  4 1102                1.17
##  5 112                 1.39
##  6 1132                0.71
##  7 1240                1   
##  8 1247                0.39
##  9 1252                0.99
## 10 134                 1.89
## # ℹ 283 more rows

A more efficient way to write this same code is to use the pipe operator:

df %>%
  group_by(store_id) %>%
  summarize(avg_sales_value = mean(sales_value))
## # A tibble: 293 × 2
##    store_id avg_sales_value
##    <chr>              <dbl>
##  1 108                14.0 
##  2 1089                1   
##  3 1098                2.28
##  4 1102                1.17
##  5 112                 1.39
##  6 1132                0.71
##  7 1240                1   
##  8 1247                0.39
##  9 1252                0.99
## 10 134                 1.89
## # ℹ 283 more rows

We can compute multiple summary statistics:

df %>%
  group_by(store_id) %>%
    `10%` = quantile(sales_value, .1),
    `50%` = quantile(sales_value, .5),
    avg_sales_value = mean(sales_value),
    `90%` = quantile(sales_value, .9),
    sd = sd(sales_value),
## # A tibble: 293 × 7
##    store_id `10%`  `50%` avg_sales_value `90%`     sd `n()`
##    <chr>    <dbl>  <dbl>           <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <int>
##  1 108      14.0  14.0             14.0  14.0   0         2
##  2 1089      1     1                1     1    NA         1
##  3 1098      2.28  2.28             2.28  2.28 NA         1
##  4 1102      0.55  0.825            1.17  2.07  0.916     4
##  5 112       0.94  1.09             1.39  2.13  0.652     6
##  6 1132      0.39  0.39             0.71  1.35  0.716     5
##  7 1240      1     1                1     1    NA         1
##  8 1247      0.39  0.39             0.39  0.39 NA         1
##  9 1252      0.99  0.99             0.99  0.99 NA         1
## 10 134       1.89  1.89             1.89  1.89 NA         1
## # ℹ 283 more rows

There are additional summarize alternative functions that are quite useful. Test these out and see how they work:

# compute the average for multiple specified variables
df %>% summarize_at(c("sales_value", "quantity"), mean) 

# compute the average for all numeric variables
df %>% summarize_if(is.numeric, mean) 

summarize is a very universal function that can be used on continuous and categorical variables; however, count is a great function to use to compute the number of observations for each level of a categorical variable (or a combination of categorical variables):

# number of observations in each level of store_id
count(df, store_id)
## # A tibble: 293 × 2
##    store_id     n
##    <chr>    <int>
##  1 108          2
##  2 1089         1
##  3 1098         1
##  4 1102         4
##  5 112          6
##  6 1132         5
##  7 1240         1
##  8 1247         1
##  9 1252         1
## 10 134          1
## # ℹ 283 more rows

# number of observations in each level of store_id and sort output
count(df, store_id, sort = TRUE)
## # A tibble: 293 × 2
##    store_id     n
##    <chr>    <int>
##  1 367       2129
##  2 406       1634
##  3 356       1386
##  4 292       1333
##  5 31782     1238
##  6 343       1220
##  7 381       1211
##  8 361       1149
##  9 32004     1128
## 10 321       1106
## # ℹ 283 more rows

# number of observations in each combination of sort_id & product_id
count(df, store_id, product_id, sort = TRUE)
## # A tibble: 63,652 × 3
##    store_id product_id     n
##    <chr>    <chr>      <int>
##  1 367      1082185       34
##  2 375      6534178       33
##  3 422      6534178       33
##  4 429      6534178       32
##  5 343      6534178       28
##  6 406      6534178       28
##  7 367      6534178       24
##  8 361      6534178       23
##  9 406      1082185       23
## 10 31862    1082185       21
## # ℹ 63,642 more rows

11.5.1 Knowledge check

Using the completejourney sample transactions data as we did above…

  1. Compute the total quantity of items purchased across all transactions.
  2. Compute the total quantity of items purchased by household.
  3. Compute the total quantity of items purchased by household for only transactions at store 309 where the quantity purchased was greater than one.

11.6 Sorting observations

Often, we desire to view observations in rank order for a particular variable(s). The arrange function allows us to order data by variables in ascending or descending order. For example, we can sort our observations based on sales_value:

# default is ascending order
arrange(df, sales_value)
## # A tibble: 75,000 × 11
##    household_id store_id basket_id   product_id quantity sales_value
##    <chr>        <chr>    <chr>       <chr>         <dbl>       <dbl>
##  1 1038         340      31389956808 983659            0           0
##  2 1166         408      31969185576 5978656           0           0
##  3 1397         381      40800715180 8020001           0           0
##  4 1889         369      33433310971 903325            0           0
##  5 1241         368      31834162699 7441102           0           0
##  6 867          369      40436331223 5978656           0           0
##  7 2204         367      33397465730 887782            0           0
##  8 40           406      40085429046 5978648           0           0
##  9 1100         358      41125111338 976199            0           0
## 10 1829         445      33655105183 1014948           1           0
## # ℹ 74,990 more rows
## # ℹ 5 more variables: retail_disc <dbl>, coupon_disc <dbl>,
## #   coupon_match_disc <dbl>, week <int>, transaction_timestamp <dttm>

# use desc() for descending order
arrange(df, desc(sales_value))
## # A tibble: 75,000 × 11
##    household_id store_id basket_id   product_id quantity sales_value
##    <chr>        <chr>    <chr>       <chr>         <dbl>       <dbl>
##  1 1246         334      32005986123 12484608          1       100  
##  2 2318         381      31993236318 13040176          1       100. 
##  3 1172         396      34338411595 15630122          1        88.9
##  4 1959         736      33510101062 5716076       30080        86.0
##  5 1959         323      34811925575 6544236       26325        75  
##  6 2133         433      35727256342 6534178       32623        75  
##  7 1764         327      33971056246 6534178       24583        68.8
##  8 1959         384      34103546818 6544236       23519        67.0
##  9 2312         442      41351830986 916561            1        66.1
## 10 2360         323      35463937998 12812261          8        65.6
## # ℹ 74,990 more rows
## # ℹ 5 more variables: retail_disc <dbl>, coupon_disc <dbl>,
## #   coupon_match_disc <dbl>, week <int>, transaction_timestamp <dttm>

This function becomes particularly useful when combining with summary statistics. For example, we can quickly find the product with the largest average sales value amount by adding arrange to the end of this sequence of functions:

df %>%
  group_by(product_id) %>%
  summarize(avg_sales_value = mean(sales_value)) %>%
## # A tibble: 20,902 × 2
##    product_id avg_sales_value
##    <chr>                <dbl>
##  1 13040176             100. 
##  2 15630122              88.9
##  3 5716076               86.0
##  4 1100869               63.7
##  5 904021                63.7
##  6 1775642               62.9
##  7 5668996               62.0
##  8 6544236               60.0
##  9 5571881               60.0
## 10 839075                56.0
## # ℹ 20,892 more rows

Missing values (NAs) will always be moved to the end of the list regardless if you perform ascending or descending sorting.

11.6.1 Knowledge check

  1. Compute the average sales value by household and arrange in descending order to find the household with the largest average spend.
  2. Find the products with the largest median spend.
  3. Compute the total quantity of items purchased by household for only transactions at store 309 where the quantity purchased was greater than one. Which household purchased the largest quantity of items?

Check out this video to reinforce the idea of the pipe operator.

11.7 Creating new variables

Often, we want to create a new variable that is a function of the current variables in our data frame. The mutate function allows us to add new variables while preserving the existing variables. For example, we can compute the net spend per item by dividing sales_value by quantity.

mutate(df, spend_per_item = sales_value / quantity)
## # A tibble: 75,000 × 12
##    household_id store_id basket_id   product_id quantity sales_value
##    <chr>        <chr>    <chr>       <chr>         <dbl>       <dbl>
##  1 2261         309      31625220889 940996            1        3.86
##  2 2131         368      32053127496 873902            1        1.59
##  3 511          316      32445856036 847901            1        1   
##  4 400          388      31932241118 13094913          2       11.9 
##  5 918          340      32074655895 1085604           1        1.29
##  6 718          324      32614612029 883203            1        2.5 
##  7 868          323      32074722463 9884484           1        3.49
##  8 1688         450      34850403304 1028715           1        2   
##  9 467          31782    31280745102 896613            2        6.55
## 10 1947         32004    32744181707 978497            1        3.99
## # ℹ 74,990 more rows
## # ℹ 6 more variables: retail_disc <dbl>, coupon_disc <dbl>,
## #   coupon_match_disc <dbl>, week <int>, transaction_timestamp <dttm>,
## #   spend_per_item <dbl>

mutate always adds new columns at the end of your dataset.

There are many functions for creating new variables that you can use with mutate. The key property is that the function must be vectorized: it must take a vector of values as input, return a vector with the same number of values as output. There’s no way to list every possible function that you might use, but here’s a selection of functions that are frequently useful:

Example window (aka vectorized) functions.
Function Description
+,-,*,/,^ arithmetic
x / sum(x) arithmetic w/aggregation
%/%, %% modular arithmetic
log, exp, sqrt transformations
lag, lead offsets
cumsum, cumprod, cum... cum/rolling aggregates
>, >=, <, <=, !=, == logical comparisons
min_rank, dense_rank ranking
between are values between a and b?
ntile bin values into n buckets

The following provides a few examples of integrating these functions with mutate.

# reduce the number of variables so you can see the transformations
df2 <- select(df, household_id, quantity, sales_value, transaction_timestamp)

# compute total net spend amount per item
df2 %>% mutate(spend_per_item = sales_value / quantity)
## # A tibble: 75,000 × 5
##    household_id quantity sales_value transaction_timestamp
##    <chr>           <dbl>       <dbl> <dttm>               
##  1 2261                1        3.86 2017-01-28 14:06:53  
##  2 2131                1        1.59 2017-02-28 22:31:57  
##  3 511                 1        1    2017-03-26 13:22:21  
##  4 400                 2       11.9  2017-02-18 13:13:10  
##  5 918                 1        1.29 2017-03-02 15:05:57  
##  6 718                 1        2.5  2017-04-05 18:14:17  
##  7 868                 1        3.49 2017-03-02 17:45:37  
##  8 1688                1        2    2017-08-11 22:41:02  
##  9 467                 2        6.55 2017-01-06 07:47:01  
## 10 1947                1        3.99 2017-04-13 17:30:04  
## # ℹ 74,990 more rows
## # ℹ 1 more variable: spend_per_item <dbl>

# log transform sales_value
df2 %>% mutate(log_sales_value = log(sales_value))
## # A tibble: 75,000 × 5
##    household_id quantity sales_value transaction_timestamp
##    <chr>           <dbl>       <dbl> <dttm>               
##  1 2261                1        3.86 2017-01-28 14:06:53  
##  2 2131                1        1.59 2017-02-28 22:31:57  
##  3 511                 1        1    2017-03-26 13:22:21  
##  4 400                 2       11.9  2017-02-18 13:13:10  
##  5 918                 1        1.29 2017-03-02 15:05:57  
##  6 718                 1        2.5  2017-04-05 18:14:17  
##  7 868                 1        3.49 2017-03-02 17:45:37  
##  8 1688                1        2    2017-08-11 22:41:02  
##  9 467                 2        6.55 2017-01-06 07:47:01  
## 10 1947                1        3.99 2017-04-13 17:30:04  
## # ℹ 74,990 more rows
## # ℹ 1 more variable: log_sales_value <dbl>

# order by date and compute the cumulative sum
df2 %>% 
  arrange(transaction_timestamp) %>%
  mutate(cumsum_sales_value = cumsum(sales_value))
## # A tibble: 75,000 × 5
##    household_id quantity sales_value transaction_timestamp
##    <chr>           <dbl>       <dbl> <dttm>               
##  1 906                 1        1.5  2017-01-01 07:30:27  
##  2 1873                1        1.88 2017-01-01 08:47:20  
##  3 993                 1        3.49 2017-01-01 09:16:13  
##  4 1465                1        1.38 2017-01-01 09:46:04  
##  5 239                 1        1.59 2017-01-01 10:05:51  
##  6 58                  1        2.49 2017-01-01 10:14:16  
##  7 1519                2        3.55 2017-01-01 10:32:09  
##  8 1130                1        3.77 2017-01-01 10:38:18  
##  9 2329                1        3.99 2017-01-01 10:46:03  
## 10 2329                1        3.59 2017-01-01 10:46:03  
## # ℹ 74,990 more rows
## # ℹ 1 more variable: cumsum_sales_value <dbl>

# compute sum of sales_value for each product and 
# rank order totals across 25 bins
df %>%
  group_by(product_id) %>%
  summarize(total = sum(sales_value)) %>%
  mutate(bins = ntile(total, 25))
## # A tibble: 20,902 × 3
##    product_id total  bins
##    <chr>      <dbl> <int>
##  1 1000002    18.4     23
##  2 1000050    33.9     24
##  3 1000106     6.47    15
##  4 1000140     3.29     9
##  5 1000148     6       15
##  6 1000165     3.34     9
##  7 1000204     6.17    15
##  8 1000205     3.98    10
##  9 1000228     2.34     6
## 10 1000236     5.39    14
## # ℹ 20,892 more rows

11.7.1 Knowledge check

Using the completejourney sample transactions data as we did above…

  1. Create a new column (total_disc) that is the sum of all discounts applied to each transaction (total_disc = coupon_disc + retail_disc + coupon_match_disc).
  2. Create a new column (disc_to_sales) that computes the ratio of total discount to total sales value (total_disc / sales_value).
  3. Using the results from #2, create a new column bins that bins the disc_to_sales column into 10 bins. Filter for those transactions with the highest discount to sales ratio (bin 10).

11.8 Putting it altogether

The beauty of dplyr is how it makes exploratory data analysis very simple and efficient. For example, we can combine all the above functions to:

  1. group the data by store_id and product_id,
  2. compute the total sales_value,
  3. create a rank order variable,
  4. filter for the top 5 products within each store with the highest total sales value,
  5. sort total by descending order.
df %>%
  group_by(store_id, product_id) %>%
  summarize(total = sum(sales_value)) %>%
  mutate(rank = min_rank(desc(total))) %>%
  filter(rank <= 5) %>%
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'store_id'. You can override using
## the `.groups` argument.
## # A tibble: 1,064 × 4
## # Groups:   store_id [293]
##    store_id product_id total  rank
##    <chr>    <chr>      <dbl> <int>
##  1 375      6534178    1057.     1
##  2 429      6534178     980.     1
##  3 406      6534178     922      1
##  4 343      6534178     711.     1
##  5 422      6534178     658.     1
##  6 367      6534178     631.     1
##  7 329      6534178     582.     1
##  8 361      6534178     553.     1
##  9 429      6533889     494.     2
## 10 33923    6534178     478.     1
## # ℹ 1,054 more rows

11.9 Exercises

Using what you’ve learned thus far, can you find the store and week that experienced the greatest week over week growth in the number of units sold?

The steps to follow include:

  1. Group by store and week
  2. Compute sum of the quantity of items sold
  3. Create week over week percent growth in total units sold. You may want to check out the lag() function for this step.
  4. Arrange in descending order

See the code chunk hint below.

# hint
df %>%
  group_by(______, ______) %>% 
  summarize(______) %>%        
  mutate(______) %>%           

11.10 Additional resources

dplyr is an extremely powerful package with many data transformation capabilities. This chapter discusses the more commonly applied functions but there are many more capabilities provided by dplyr not discussed. Here are some resources to help you learn more about dplyr: